hand, but increased on stepping.
Intolerable pain in the heels as if they had been wounded by too narrow and short shoes.
Great sleepiness, drowsiness, lethargy throughout the day, especially after a meal and in the evening; falls asleep when sitting. TV sleep. Night sleep unrefreshing, great fatigue in the morning.
‘Such great drowsiness, even when walking in the open air, that she feels like falling asleep in the street’ (Teste). Or: falls asleep for some minutes during a conversation, several times (Buchmann).
Fatigue and sleepiness, with desire to lie down, but without being able to sleep.
Frequent yawning, sometimes accompanied by eructation of air. Frequent stretching of limbs; sometimes a real urge, especially in the arms, stretches them so much that a cracking is heard.
Restless sleep before midnight, because of restlessness and excitement, because of cold stiff limbs, or other complaints.
Unusual waking at 4 a.m. on account of different complaints. Repeated starting from sleep. Awakens several times with confused mind.
Dreams of the daily occupation, of business: that they haven’t finished their work, that they won’t be in time for a meeting, etc.
Dreams of becoming a soldier, with much fear, weeps in his sleep.
Confused dreams that cannot be remembered in the morning.
Dreams of corpses and funerals; horrific dreams of being killed or being buried alive.
Chelidonium patients are predominantly chilly people, easily shivering; however they often have a hot head with cold extremities, particularly feet and finger tips. Shivering at night on waking. Shivering over upper part of body, with vertigo and momentary fainting.
Shaking chills in the evening, about 6 p.m., with chattering teeth and shivering as if icy cold water were being poured over the body, lasting about 15 minutes; afterwards violent heat, especially in the head.