e.g. stooping to pick something up from the floor; making it impossible to turn around (Keller).
Drawing pain between shoulder-blades, extending downwards to the small of the back.
Pain in right side of back, with heaviness of occiput.
Back pain as if bruised, on motion, especially when rising after stooping or from a seat.
Sore pain in all vertebrae, aggravated by motion and pressure upon the spinal processes.
Tearing pressure at the lowest lumbar vertebrae, extending forward to the ilium; as though the vertebrae were being fractured from each other, felt when bending forward and bending backward again, also when walking.
Sore pain in the lowest lumbar vertebra, as if dislocated or broken.
Pain in sacrum all day.
The extremities generally feel heavy, stiff, fatigued, lame, even as if
paralysed, every motion needs a great effort and tends to aggravate the general state.
Coldness of extremities, with heat of head and face; especially of finger tips and feet. On the other hand, distended veins on the hands are also a characteristic symptom which may be accompanied by swelling and heat as far as the middle of the forearm. Or: right foot icy cold up to knee, while left foot and rest of body have their natural warmth.
Severe neuralgic and rheumatic pain in the limbs, violently tearing, drawing and shooting. From a case of Heyne: ‘Girl, 6 years old, attacked by an exceedingly painful rheumatism of the muscles and joints. The least touch on any part of the body gives the greatest pains. The rheumatism set in with severe fever, with moderate, not alleviating perspiration; urine brown; child moans continually on account of the pains.’ Maybe indicated in cervico-brachial neuralgia, especially right-sided.
But also symptoms of irritation of the motor nerves:
Trembling and twitching in limbs.
Tonic spasms of flexors of fingers and toes.