Slimy, tough, whitish fluor from vagina, staining the linen yellow.
Itching of vulva; pruritus.
Pain in right ovary.
Neck and Back
In the cervical region, a painful stiffness of the neck, especially the nape of the neck, is characteristic. It is often connected with the leaden heaviness in the occiput (see Head) and drawing pain from above downward, from the vertex into the nape of neck and further down into the back.
Painful tension in a small streak of the right side of the neck toward the shoulder, as if in a tendon, in the afternoon while sitting.
Awakens at 4 a.m. with painful stiffness of cervical muscles of right side.
Stiff neck on both sides when moving head, painful on deep inspiration.
Stiffness and paralytic pain in nape of neck, even as though it were broken.
Stiffness with cracking or creaking in cervical vertebrae on moving neck.
The dorsal region presents the key-note of Chelidonium, the fixed pain beneath lower angle of right scapula. The pain quality is dull and pressive or stitching, shooting. It is not always felt as coming from the liver or stomach region, but may also occur as an isolated, independent symptom. Some more proving symptoms that are seated in this important locality:
Pinching spasmodic pain at inner margin of right scapula, preventing him from moving the arm. This may also be described in other ways: ‘as from a lump at scapula’, or ‘as if something were squeezed and pinched there’ (Keller). Awakens at 4 a.m. with pain in right scapula, aggravated. on inspiration and moving right arm; extending around right side to chest and causing oppression; or to the stomach, causing nausea and vomiting. Later the pain goes to the right shoulder and down the arm to the wrist, with coldness and stiffness of arm, inability to move it and feeling as though it were broken and separated from the trunk.
Pressure and oppression at the right scapula, extending forward through thorax to sternum.
Similar pain may sometimes occur at or beneath the left scapula, also sometimes shooting forward straight through chest.
Stitching pain between the scapulae, even as if from a knife, on motion,