nephritis. This is supported by changes of the urine, with turbidity, excess of uric acid and hippuric acid, renal casts, epithelial particles, and a lack of chloride salts (NaCl); and also by symptoms of oedematous swelling in extremities, esp. ankles. He relates a case where Chelidonium acted very favourably.
Dragging pain in the bladder, with spasmodic trembling pain in the inguinal region; after relief of these pains oppression of the chest.
Stinging pain in bladder region.
Frequent urging to urinate, with little or no discharge of urine.
The urine is frequently dark-yellow, golden-yellow, or even darker, brownish- red, like brown beer, forming bubbles at the margin of the vessel. Urine reddish or dark-red; in infants staining the diaper reddish-brown.
Or: urine lemon yellow and turbid when discharged. The turbidity immediately after passing has been elicited in nearly all provers, but a dark- yellow and clear urine were also observed.
Urine smells sour or resinous.
On the other hand, Teste observed an extremely profuse emission of whitish, foaming urine, which is confirmed by the Vienna provers.
Burning and cutting pain in urethra on urination. Stitches, especially towards the orifice (in a male prover).
Male Genitalia
Frequent erections, even during the day.
Drawing pain in spermatic cord.
Itching and crawling at scrotum and glans; redness, heat and swelling of scrotum, with eruption of flat vesicles containing yellowish serum, painful to touch. Drawing pain in testes. Has been used in hydrocele.
Pain at or in glans penis; or an annoying and ‘anxious’ feeling in glans as after a strong erection.
Female Genitalia
Menses profuse and too early or too late, or suppressed; with the characteristic right-sided scapular pain. Liver or gall-bladder problems during gestation, with icterus, bilious vomiting, pain beneath right scapula. Longing for unusual articles of food during pregnancy (Hering). Vomiting in pregnancy. Agalactia.
Burning in vagina every day, in morning and afternoon, lasting up to one hour.