
Materia Medica Viva Volume 8 – page 1770

slimy saliva. Much mucus in the morning.
Pappy taste in the mouth, or a disgusting insipid taste as from elder-flower tea, or a metallic sour taste on the tongue, or a bitter taste, while food and drink taste natural. Bitter water accumulates in the mouth, has to spit constantly. Bad odour from the mouth.
Bleeding phlyctaena in mouth.
The tongue has a white coat, or, more characteristic: tongue thickly coated yellow, with red margin, where the imprint of the teeth is visible. But in cases of dyspepsia, Hale reports that the tongue is usually narrow and pointed, with a slight white coat.
Toothache in the whole cheek (left side), especially at night, for several weeks; pain drawing.
Frequent tearing from right ear into right teeth in the afternoon.
Slimy tongue.
A spasmodic tensive feeling is the main symptom in this area: severe tension at and in the throat, above the larynx, as if it were constricted, but only the pharynx was contracted. Or else: sensation as if the larynx were pressed against the oesophagus from without, on which account swallowing was impeded, but not breathing.
Choking in the throat, as from swallowing too large a morsel too fast.
Dryness, burning and scraping in throat; difficult swallowing.
Discharge of thin mucus in throat.
Larynx, Trachea and Voice
Tensive feeling as if compressed or as if constricted by a scarf at the larynx. Pressure on larynx, or swollen feeling of it, with sensation as if air could not pass through; more to the right side. (Thus we see that the constricting feeling may affect either swallowing but not respiration, or respiration but not swallowing.)
Feeling of constriction in trachea, with fear of death and ineffectual desire to belch, at night on waking.
Stinging pain in the region of the larynx.
A remedy in laryngitis or bronchitis, with spasmodic attacks of cough,