noise is perceived like a distant waterfall. Or there is heaviness and pain in the forehead, as if the brain would fall out, on stooping. Or: pressive pain in head, from within outwards, particularly towards forehead, aggravated by open air, coughing, blowing the nose and stooping, but ceasing during eating. Sometimes the headache is felt all day and only ceases when eating. A case example by Keller: ‘A headache like a thick head or a hangover, over the eyes a sensation as if it pressed outward, especially on stooping. Thinking is sometimes a real problem. It is not a true headache, rather a “thick head", everything seems to buzz in the head.’ Or: ‘Headache with dizziness, from the forehead backwards. It was a pressure on the head as if somebody pressed from within, and when I pressed against it from without, it felt like inflated; a real pressure from within.’
Heaviness like a weight in different parts of the head, but particularly in the occiput; it seems as if fastened to the pillow and broken off from the rest of the skull; must raise the head with the hand when sitting up. Tensive feelings in the back part of the head (right side). Drawing downwards in the occiput and the back of the neck. The drawing may extend to the right shoulder and arm, down to the wrist and fingers, also to the right side of the chest. Pain as if the head were drawn backwards.
Left-sided occipital pain; the head becomes heavy like lead, the left half of the nape is stiff, the nape feels as if broken, the head is drawn to the left when the pain is at its height.
Violent drawing pain from the vertex to the nape of the neck, urging to draw up the shoulders, close the eyes, and step only very lightly.
A feeling of coldness in the occiput, ascending from the nape of the neck.
Pulsating headaches. Repeated attacks of violent throbbing pain from the nape of the neck to the forehead and temples. Throbbing in the temples, also with anxiety, or a dull pain with beatings synchronous with the pulse, as if the vessels were filled with too much blood. Even ‘ticking like a watch, in right temple’ (Berridge).
Vertex painful to touch, like a sore spot there; the scalp is hot to the touch. Pain in roots of the hair on combing, as if the scalp were bruised or sore. Feeling as if the hair stood on end, at forehead and occiput, or a ‘sensation as from goose-flesh in scalp’ (Keller). Much loss of hair.