
Materia Medica Viva Volume 8 – page 1722

(e.g., fear of doctors or anxiety about others or anxiety about health), this is not a contra-indication.
Some additional fear and anxiety symptoms from the materia medica, as far as is known up to now, are:
‘Feeling of anxiety, with great uneasiness.’ ‘Very anxious; everything that she undertakes is unsatisfactory to herself; she is irresolute, with flushes of heat in the face, and cool sweat in the palms.’ ‘Anxious tossing about in bed at night, full of imaginations of fancy.’
Hypochondriacal ideas, hypochondriacal anxiety.
They are easily frightened, and tremble, and take fright from the least trifle. They are beside themselves with anxiety, as if the heart were compressed, with whining and immoderate sweating. Their tremulous anxiety is accompanied by palpitation and the attacks are repeated during the day.
The greatest anxiety is when they are in bed, not out of bed; and they have quickly moving pupils. It is impossible for them to stay in bed.
The Repertory also lists Chamomilla in the rubrics ‘fear of touch, of noises, of being approached’, symptoms that directly depend on the above-mentioned sensitivity to external influences. They are not like phobias (as the fear of wind), but more like different manifestations of the extreme irritability.
Melancholic States and Mental Disorder
From the angry and vexatious state described above in which the anger is shown to everyone who has the bad luck to be near the patient, Chamomilla may fall into an opposite state with a kind of