
Materia Medica Viva Volume 8 – page 1712

Stiff ankles. Cold feet.
Crawling in both soles as if a living creature were inside them.
Crawling burning or violent burning stinging in ball of the big toe.
Severe pressive pain in joint of the big toe.
Panaritium of great toe.
Heels numb on stepping; or ulcerative pain in the heel, especially on touch and stepping.
Much yawning and stretching of limbs. Yawns while listening to others.
Fits of intense sleepiness during the day, but sleeplessness at night.
Even when in company he can hardly resist sleep, has to lie down; sometimes even falls asleep during a conversation.
At night, however, there is severe anxiety and restlessness that prevents sleep or awakens him. Physical restlessness; cannot rest in any position, cannot lie still for one minute all night. Many movement of arms and legs during sleep; mainly intense restlessness of legs.
Starting on falling asleep, or frequent starting from sleep; frequent waking, without having a reason for it, especially 3 to 4 a.m.; laughing, crying, indistinct talking during sleep; anxious, vexatious or quarrelsome dreams.
Sleeplessness at night on account of dry heat.
Open mouth at night, and therefore dryness of mouth.
Aggravation on waking from sleep.
Bad effects of insomnia.
Chill is a general feature of Causticum persons; extremely sensitive to cold air and draughts. Internal chills. Chill is lessened by drinking; also ameliorated in bed.
The shivering and chills may begin in the face or in the nape of the neck, spreading downwards to other parts.
Unilateral coldness and numbness: of the whole left side of the body.
Coldness of diseased parts. Chill with the pain in prosopalgia.
Goose-flesh of the skin while head and face are hot, congested and burning.
Flushes of heat; afterwards chill. Heat every evening from 6 to 8 p.m.