
Materia Medica Viva Volume 8 – page 1671

Female Genitalia
The most important feature is the uterine haemorrhage which is usually due to engorgement of the portal system. In chronic bleedings, Carduus has not only arrested the flow but also removed the tendency to its recurrence. Such bleeding may also occur after abortion or at menopause.
Simple inflammatory irritation of breasts.
Menstruation too profuse, or else suppressed. Schlegel used the remedy witch much success in regularly recurring, intermenstrual pain in the abdomen (see also ‘Abdomen’).
Neck and Back
A characteristic symptom that is better known from another liver remedy, namely Chelidonium, is a pain at the lower angle of the right scapula, radiating to the right side of the chest. Mezger also mentions fibrillar muscular twitching under the angle of the right shoulder-blade.
Sensitivity of dorsal and cervical vertebrae to pressure (which may be associated with hypertrophy of left lobe of liver).
Drawing muscular pain predominates in the back: drawing pain in the entire back, followed by fatigue; in the right side of the back, from the scapula to the lumbar region, lasting for minutes on one spot, then changing locality; in the small of the back.
E.E.Case gives a lumbago-like symptom which was associated with painful stiffness in the lower limbs: dragging pain across lumbo-sacral region; worse after rising from stooping, also worse from walking.
A great sense of lassitude is felt in all limbs, especially on the right side, which is worst in the morning after rising and is not ameliorated by walking outdoors; with a general feeling of much discomfort, ‘sickly feeling.’ ‘Sensation as if beaten in upper and lower limbs.’
Rheumatic pain in the shoulders, radiating from the neck.
The limb pain is usually a drawing and cramp-like pain, sometimes really severe, also changing sides.
The best-confirmed symptom of the arms is: drawing pain in the muscles