Carduus has caused and cured constipation, also if very obstinate and of long standing, with insufficient, difficult, very hard stools that are knotty and brown. On the other hand, a yellowish or chocolate-coloured, clay-like, pasty stool without bilious colouring has also been produced by this remedy. ‘Stools now hard, now soft’ (Hering).
Melaena; cadaverous-smelling, pasty, tar-coloured; affording relief to the patient. Dysenteric symptoms, with liver or spleen disease.
Burning pain in rectum and anus, which interferes with sitting.
Haemorrhoids, with acidity of stomach and distension of bowel; bleeding piles. Soreness in anus; erythema intertrigo.
The remedy has also diarrhoea, of a yellow or reddish colour. Wapler used Carduus in profuse diarrhoea from rectal cancer. Diarrhoea and constipation may also alternate.
Urinary Organs
Strangury is frequently a concomitant of Carduus conditions. Urging to urinate, accompanied by chest pain; strong urging on waking at night, with chill, but only very little is passed; urging without having to pass water.
With unavailing urging to stool, pressure on bladder, producing dribble of urine. The urine is turbid, sour, and golden-yellow, transporting brownish bilious colouring (increased amount of urobiline, while the stool lacks it); or even brownish in colour and scanty in amount. Orange or reddish-yellow urine. Profuse urine with red sediment. Very profuse urination of golden-yellow urine, with drawing in sides of the hypogastrium.
Glycuria; Carduus has been used in diabetes.
Burning in the orifice of the urethra, after urination; or a flow of colourless mucus follows the urine, with burning.
Burning pain in the female urethra, with sensation as of swelling of neighbouring parts, compelling her to arise from a sitting posture.
Woken by pain in the urethra, with pain in right kidney region.
Drawing pain in the bladder while sitting.