sputa, and rattling of mucus; in asthmatic infection, with liver symptoms.
Desire to take a deep breath, from a sensation of fullness or pain in the abdomen. Oppression of left side of the chest, with pain, especially on deep breathing. Dyspnoea that is worse on motion, especially on ascending; asthmatic disorders. The provings brought on a lot of drawing and stitching pain in the chest region. The drawing pain was half-sided (in Buchmann’s proving it occurred on the left side), continuous and felt mainly in the pectoral and intercostal muscles, below the axilla and sometimes extending to it. It may spread over the whole frontal part of the chest and become so violent as to almost prevent any motion of the arms, walking and stooping; or they extend to the back. This drawing pain will be accompanied by stitching pain in the side, near the 5th, 6th or 7th rib, which are felt on deep inspiration, but even more on expiration after deep inspiration. (The remedy has been used in pleurisy and similar infections.)
Or: stitches at the lower margin of the ribs, between both lineae mammales, on every inspiration. Stitches in the right side near the 7th rib, on deep inspiration and on stooping. Short stitches behind short ribs of the left side.
Eruption over processus xiphoideus.
Palpitation on climbing the slightest amount, with difficult breathing.
A sudden sensation of hot ebullition in praecordia, with anxious oppression; relieved by passage of a black, tarry, cadaverous-smelling, pasty stool.
Stitches in the heart region.
Lack of appetite. Food is taken with aversion; afterwards empty eructation.
A strange feature is that soup salted as usual tastes insipid; a prover had the desire to add salt to his already well-salted soup though usually strongly salted foods were repugnant to him.
Excessive thirst.
Intense nausea, followed by painful retching and vomiting of sour greenish fluid. Nausea, with collection of saliva in the mouth. The tendency to hyperacidity of the stomach is seen in many Carduus complaints and will frequently be associated with much flatulent distension of bowel and pressure in