
Materia Medica Viva Volume 7 – page 1655

Graph., Lach., Lye., Med., Nat-m. and Nat-s., Nit-ac., Op., Psor., Puls., Sep., Staph., Sulph., Syph., Thuj., and Tub. He says that ‘Candidates for Carcinosin in other respects had frequently been helped by one or more of these remedies’, and he suggests considering Carcinosin if a patient does not respond to a well-selected remedy if the remedy is included in his list, or if two or more of them are strongly partially indicated, but neither of them adequately covers the case.
I suspect that this idea has not been sufficiently confirmed, yet I have observed that sometimes Carcinosin will act to ‘open up’ a case (without curing the condition) so that the next indicated remedy can be recognised and prescribed and will be able to act, even though it is possible that such a remedy was given before and did not act.