When anxiety or anticipation are felt in the pit of the stomach or epigastrium, Carcinosin may be indicated, especially (according to Foubister)
Cancerinum Adeno-Stom.
Stomach pain from coughing.
Eructation tasting of vomit.
Peptic ulcers, duodenal ulcers; in the individual or family history.
Abdomen and Rectum
The provings elicited a constant feeling as if one were constricted, in the stomach, abdomen and rectum. This constricting pain was relieved by pressure, bending and hot drinks.
Indigestion, accumulation of gas in the stomach and bowel.
Pain low down in the abdomen with flatus.
Obstinate constipation. Constipation with heavy pain above the umbilicus; the pain comes slowly and goes slowly, worse from 4 to 6 p.m.
Much flatulence in new-born babies; nappy rash (dermatitis).
Prolapsus; from mental stress through being treated unfairly at work; in children. Fistula ani; fissures and painful cracks of the ano-rectal area.
Constipation with very little desire to pass stool (but much flatus). Stool very hard and dry, difficult and painful to pass. Stool remains for a long time in the rectum.
Urinary Organs
Chronic or recurrent infections. Cystitis; nephritis; pyelonephritis. Urine containing granular casts.
Involuntary urination. Constant leaking of small amounts of urine. Or: enuresis nocturna which is still present at an age of 12 or 14 years (Kokelenberg).
Female Genitalia
Dysmenorrhoea. First day of menses extremely painful, she has to bend over double and sweats from the pain. Extreme pressure in the lower back with menses, resembling labour, sometimes keeping her awake at night. Cramping and dragging-down pain extending down the thighs.