literature. Everything that cannot hurt the emotions and, at the same time, can stimulate the mind and imagination affects them deeply. Therefore, beautiful music or intensely sad stories can make them cry and when they read a story they ‘live it’.
A similar trait is their love for nature. Of course we can say that ‘everybody loves nature’ and that this is neither pathology nor a symptom, but Carcinosin patients have a special craving for nature; they feel most comfortable in nature as it will never hurt or offend their emotions. The love of nature shields them against their great weakness, which is their vulnerability. They also like to travel, not so much in order to meet people, but rather in order to live ‘close to nature’.
A strong food desire is the desire for chocolate. They often exhibit a strong desire or aversion to fruit and the fat of meat. A craving for spices is also frequently encountered. (Food desires and aversions are dealt with in detail in the ‘Stomach’ section).
Two important modalities: frequently there is a strong aggravation or an amelioration from sea air. A strong amelioration in the evening is also characteristic; their energy level is good at that time. ‘Tired in the sun, better in the evening’ and ‘tired in the morning; better in the evening’ are modalities that have often been observed in Carcinosin cases. (The proving brought out a weakness and fatigue that was worse in the late evening and a general aggravation time from 6 to 7 p.m. was also elicited.)
The proving brought out some sensations that occur in several parts of the organism: feelings of tightness and constriction, throbbing, and a twitching of various muscle groups, especially in the face (eyelids). Hui bon Hoa has confirmed that nervous tics, often of a bizarre nature, are part of the Carcinosin picture. He gives the