described as ‘talking like a lawyer’ by his mother. This particularity of being able to speak in a very refined way at a very early age is a useful characteristic.
Sexual development may also set in very early and proceed quickly. Carcinosin children become sexually excitable unusually young, which may lead them into early and frequent masturbation, On the other hand, Carcinosin children may also be very slow in their development (especially mental).
Problems of ‘holding their own’ at school are very frequent in Carcinosin children of different types, but in these slow-developing children the problems are also on the mental-intellectual level. They exhibit childish behaviour and no inclination for learning. All the proving symptoms mentioned above may be found in these children: mental dullness, disinterest, difficult concentration.
Carcinosin has also been used with favourable results in mentally backward or underdeveloped children. Even in children suffering from Down’s Syndrome, Carcinosin should be considered as a constitutional remedy (as well as Medorrhinum) because its action may greatly benefit them. Even though the basic chromosomal defect cannot be corrected, Foubister observed good results from such treatment.
An important characteristic of Carcinosin children is their sleeplessness, which is sometimes present from their very first days onward and may be a very persistent and extreme symptom. They simply cannot fall asleep in the evening and cannot sleep until late in the night. Often they are very excited and lively in the evening. They do not want to miss what is happening around them and so do not want to go to bed.
Also, in order to be able to fall asleep they frequently need the mother’s company. The child wants to sleep in its parents’ bed, or