
Materia Medica Viva Volume 7 – page 1625

Acidity. Acne. Angina pectoris. Aorititis. Aphonia. Asthenopia. Asthma. Breasts, erysipelas of. Bronchitis. Burns. Carbuncle. Catarrh. Chilblains. Cholera. Constipation. Cough. Deafness. Debility. Diarrhoea. Distension. Dysentery. Dyspepsia. Emphysema. Erysipelas. Eructations. Feet, cold. Flatulence. Gangrene. Haemorrhages. Haemorrhoids. Hair, falling out. Headache. Heart, diseases of. Influenza.. Intertrigo. Irritation. Laryngitis. Lungs, congested. Measles. Mumps. Nose, bleeding of. Oesophagitis, Orchitis. Otorrhoea. Pregnancy, disorders of. Purpura. Scabies. Scurvy. Shivering. Sleep, disorders of. Starting. Stomach, disordered. Stomatitis. Trachea, dryness of. Tympanitis. Typhus. Ulcers. Yellow fever.
Antidoted by: Ars., Camph., Coff., Lach., Nit-s-d., Ferr. (Teste).
It antidotes: Effects of putrid meats or fish, rancid fats, salt or salt meats; Chin., Lach., Merc.
Complementary: Chin.; Dros.; Kali-c. (stitches in heart; Carb-v. contains potash). Carb-an. has more pronounced induration of glands and is suited to cases which have been opened too soon; is more appropriate to cancer and syphilis than Carb-v. Carb-v. has weak digestion in nursing women; every particle of food disagrees; Carb-an. has coldness at the stomach, better by hard rubbing or hard pressure; piles, with oozing of inodorous fluid. Carb-v. is near-sighted; Carb-an. far-sighted. In ear affections Carb-an. has swelling behind the ear. Carb-v. is more suited to sequelae of exanthemata. Many of the effects of Carb-v. are like those in Lyc., and an occasional dose of Carb-v. assists the action of Lyc. Compare also Raph. in flatulence.
Compatible: Ars., Chi., Dros., Kali-c., Ph-ac., Bell., Bry., Νυχ-v., Sep., Sulph.
Compare: Graph, and all the carbons. Caust., Lach., Eup-per., Phos. and Rumex. in hoarseness (Rumex. is worse at 4 a.m. and 11 p.m., Caust. worse in the morning; from dry cold. Carb-v. worse in the evening; from damp evening air). Camph.•, Chin, in haemorrhages, intermittents, hectic, affections of drunkards; Ip. in haemorrhages and intermittents; Meny. in intermittents with