
Materia Medica Viva Volume 7 – page 1624

Mezger reports a case of a suppurating phlegmone of the whole left leg in a diabetic woman. After incision the wounds only healed partially, and sequestra were discharged. Three long fistulae remained from the incision wounds, with bloody and purulent secretion, and the whole leg was cyanotic. Carbo vegetabilis produced a homeopathic aggravation of the pain and secretion, then an amelioration, and in three weeks the wounds had healed.
General tendency to varicose veins, often with ulceration.
Telangiectasis in children; elevated, round, flat, soft, elastic, red tumours, formed by a net of dilated capillary vessels, with violent haemorrhaging after slight injuries. Folds of the skin become raw and ulcerated.
Fine, moist rash, with burning at spots where there is no eruption.
Burning at various places on the skin, especially at night in bed.
Itching all over the body, especially in the warmth of bed; cannot fall asleep. Itching sticking on the side on which he lies.
Moist herpetic eruptions, especially in the face. Acne rosacea.
The principal symptoms of Carbo vegetabilis are as follows:
• Ailments after the shock of an accident or acute illness (often pneumonia): lowered vitality, indifference, coldness.
• Sluggishness affecting physical and emotional levels.
• Apathy, mental dullness, lapses in memory, fixed ideas.
• Lung conditions; e.g., pneumonia, asthma. Respiration aggravated by lying down, ameliorated by vigorous fanning.
• Generally worse lying down (headache, intestinal discomfort, asthma).
• Desires air. The desire to be fanned is of central importance.
• Great coldness of the breath, extremities, tongue, nose, etc. but sometimes with a hot head.
• Desires salt (also sweets and coffee).
• Collapse or fainting with coldness, blueness, desire for air.
• Extreme gastrointestinal bloating, with frequent eructation, which relieves.
• Aggravation from fat and butter. Intolerance of alcohol.
• Elderly patients with indolent skin ulcers, with heart diseases, weak, fainting.