
Materia Medica Viva Volume 7 – page 1621

Scattered red spots on the neck, with itching and stinging.
Heaviness and painful stiffness of the back, especially on rising in the morning. Rheumatic drawing pain throughout the back, worse while sitting or stooping, especially on the left side; also burning pain in different parts, especially in the scapular region and about hips, with aching along the spine; or the whole back is sore, as if bruised.
Severe sacral pain, cannot sit, feels like a plug in the back; has to lie on
a pillow. Great tension and stiffness in the small of the back, sometimes with a cold feeling and numbness in that location.
Near the lowest part of the spine, a cramp-like pressive pain. Pressive, sore pain below the coccyx.
Lassitude (more in the lower limbs), heaviness (sometimes only left-sided) and even numbness in the extremities. Heaviness and stiffness in the limbs when standing up after sitting for some time, ceasing after walking. The limbs on which he is lying are apt to go numb.
Pain in the limbs as from over-lifting or sprain; bruised and drawing pain of all the limbs; burning in the limbs and bones. Boring pain, as if in the marrow, in all the bones of the extremities before a fever attack. Tearing pain in the limbs that seems to extend up to the head and end there.
Cold extremities; very cold hands and feet, particularly in the evening; cold knees, or icy cold legs down from the knees; unilateral coldness, mostly left-sided.
Involuntary twitching and trembling of the limbs, sometimes preventing the patient from falling asleep.
Gangraena senilis beginning in the toes. Ulcers at the tips of the fingers and toes. Drawing pain at night in the arm he lies on.
Paralytic lassitude in the arms and hands, especially on writing which is difficult and slow for him. Paralytic feeling and weakness of the fingers of the right hand or in the right wrist when grasping anything, with tearing pain.
Burning on the right shoulder.
Pain as if beaten, in the elbow joints of both arms.
Drawing tearing in the forearm, from the elbow to the hands and even into the fingers, aggravated on moving the part.