Itching of the vulva and anus at the same time; especially during the menses.
Vaginal fistula, with burning pain; often attended by much eructation of wind that relieves for only a short time.
Menses too early; too profuse, but sometimes also scanty. Protracted menstruation has also been cured by this remedy: a dark, putrid passive oozing, continuing almost until the next menstrual period. Thick and strong smelling blood, acrid, excoriating; or else pale.
Menorrhagia with burning across the sacrum; passive flow. Metrorrhagia from uterine atony, patient is cold and deathly pale, constantly wants to be fanned.
The menses can be preceded by spasmodic abdominal pain and leucorrhoea, by itching eruptions, e.g. on nape of neck, also by burning in the genitalia; during the menses colic in the hypogastrium, headache contracting the eyes, vomiting, burning in the palms and soles, and toothache may occur. ‘During diminished menstrual flow, much cutting in abdomen, aching in back and bruised pain in all bones.’
Greenish fluor, or thick and yellow. Profuse, very thin leucorrhoea only in the morning on rising, but no discharge all day. Intermittent fluor, comes and goes suddenly. Corroding, excoriating fluor, with swelling of the vulva, itching and burning; preceding or following the menses.
Tendency to abortion from inertia of uterus.
Labour pains weak or ceasing, with great general debility; especially after severe disease or great loss of fluids. Brown, foul smelling lochia.
States of exhaustion from nursing, with stomach pain.
Has been used in lumps in the mammae, with induration of the axillary glands and burning pains; also in uterine cancer where the pain was burning and came on in paroxysmal spells.
Neck and Back
Swelling and aching of cervical glands, especially dorsal ones (near the nape). Stiffness of the nape of the neck. Tearing pain in the muscles of the neck and nape of the neck.
Drawing pain In the nape, rising into the head, with nausea and a flow of water from the mouth.