
Materia Medica Viva Volume 7 – page 1619

Spasmodic narrowing of the urethra, every morning.
Tearing in the urethra during urination; the last drops consist of mucus and cause pain when discharged. Smarting pain during urination.
After urinating, tearing and drawing in the urethra.
Carbo vegetabilis may be indicated in complaints after sexual excesses (e.g. weakness, exhaustion). There may be an annoying abundance of lascivious thoughts, but also a total lack of sexual desire in the morning.
Genitalia – Male
Ejaculatio praecox, followed by roaring of blood in the head.
Continued erections at night, without voluptuous sensation or fantasy.
Violent ejaculation, painfully exciting the nerves, with violent burning in the forepart of the urethra and severe cutting and burning during urination. Smooth, red, moist spots on the glans penis.
Itching, soreness, excoriation at the preputium. Itching at the thigh near the scrotum, with moisture at this place.
Crawling in the testes and scrotum.
Swelling of the testes from metastasis of mumps.
Genitalia – Female
Soreness, itching, burning and swelling of the pudenda is a frequent condition. Sometimes these symptoms are excited by a corroding leucorrhoea, or they are worse during the menses. ‘Heat and redness of vulva.’ ‘The menstrual blood, coming six days later than usually, was as if corrosive and excoriated the parts.’
Varices of the female genitals, with dysuria, have been cured by this remedy. Aphthae or red sore places that look like ulcers on the external genitalia, with itching and fluor. Tumours in the genitals; blueish, hard, With shooting and pricking pain.