
Materia Medica Viva Volume 7 – page 1616

Heartburn, especially at night; hot and acrid rising. Water brash. ‘Feels acridity in stomach when lying on the back and on walking in the open air’ (Hahnemann).
Nausea is felt especially in the morning. ‘Nausea in the morning one hour after waking, with squalmishness in the stomach’ (Hahnemann). It may also appear at night and before or after a meal, attended by gagging and retching; the heat of the sun causes a nauseous feeling. Vomiting of blood; of bile; of mucus. After every meal there is a sense of general heaviness and fullness, and much sleepiness. The stomach aches and feels as if it is heavy and hanging down on standing and walking.
Burning in the stomach, almost continuous; sometimes spreading to the small of the back (compare Bismuthum) and even to the shoulders. The burning and bursting pains predominate, but there are also other characteristic pains. For instance: Contractive spasm of the stomach, even at night, rising to the chest, with distension of the belly; has to bend double, cannot lie down because it aggravates; pain comes on in spells and takes away the breath. Or: burning and lancinating in the epigastrium and deep in the abdomen, with anguish, flatulence and diarrhoea.
The stomach cramps can come on in nursing women, after nursing their baby (as an example of aggravation from loss of fluids); also from emotions such as fright, vexation, disappointment etc. Thus, Carbo vegetabilis may be indicated in peptic ulcers.
The most marked symptom of the abdomen is the excessive flatulence and distension already described under ‘Stomach’. Two symptoms from ‘Chronic Diseases’ to illustrate the nature of this bloating: Obstructed flatulence in the left upper abdomen, more towards the back, with squeezing pain.’ And: ‘Flatulence collects here and there in the abdomen, under the short ribs, or in the region of the bladder; it produces squeezing and pressing pain and gradually passes through the rectum, with a feeling of heat there.’