
Materia Medica Viva Volume 7 – page 1614

Loses breath on turning in bed, or on falling asleep; or attacks of chest constriction which prevent breathing.
Chest and Heart
Pain in the chest and in the region of the heart, due to obstructed flatulence; also a warm ebullition or orgasm of blood in the chest from the same cause, with anxiety. It may be seen in extremely progressed and severe cases of pneumonia, with threatened paralysis of the lungs, foetid sputa, cold breath, cold sweat, threatened gangrene. Emphysema.
Severe burning in the chest, as from glowing coals, almost uninterruptedly’ (Hahnemann) is a key-note of the remedy. It is seen in many chest infections, regardless of their pathological name.
The chest feels weak and fatigued, especially on waking. This weakness is often attended by a continuous sensation of weight upon the chest. Pressive tearing on or in the left side of the chest.
Pressive pain superiorly in the right side of the chest, through to the right shoulder-blade.
‘Brown spots on the chest’ is an indication given by Hahnemann.
The pulse may be intermittent and irregular, and is often very feeble, can hardly be felt.
Burning pain is also found in the heart region, with congestion in the chest and violent palpitation. Palpitation occurs mostly while sitting and after a meal. It may continue for days, sometimes so violent as to shake the whole body. Deep respiration and eructation ameliorate.
Carbo vegetabilis is useful as a heart remedy, especially in old people with heart problems. The chief indications are exhaustion, shortness of breath, coldness of breath, blueness from venous and capillary congestion together with easy flushing and all these symptoms become worse from taking alcohol. The pathological diagnoses may include such severe states as endocarditis with effusion, hydrothorax, etc.; also aneurysma cordis.