
Materia Medica Viva Volume 7 – page 1607

The scalp is very sensitive to pressure. A characteristic symptom is: The hat presses upon the head like a heavy weight, and even after removing it the sensation continues as if the head was bound up with a cloth.’ With the pressive pain, even touching the hair causes a sore pain.
The hair falling out is a strong indication, especially if it occurs after severe stress, such as an acute disease, after parturition, etc., which is consistent with the general causation of a Carbo vegetabilis state.
Sweat on the forehead, very often cold sweat, is also typical.
Headache as if the scalp and membranes were too tight and contracted. This constriction is better from uncovering the head; also from fresh cold air and being fanned.
Something like a heavy weight on the eyes, must exert them very much when reading or writing to distinguish between the letters. Pressure in the eyes, with heat. Burning in the eyes.
With the pressive headaches, there may be lachrymation and an urge to close or contract the eyes; also a pain in the eye as if it were being pulled out. Pain in the orbits and eyeballs passing to the back of the head, which is better on walking in the open air, worse on lying down.
Exertion, such as overwork, fine work, and staring, makes them weak and aching, and may cause myopia (whereas farsightedness is more typical of Carbo animalis). The eye muscles ache when looking upwards.
Itching about the eyes and the margins of the lids, especially in the morning. Black floating spots before the eyes, or sees circles with a brighter field inside, or there is flickering vision in the morning on rising.
In states of weakness or exhaustive diseases, the eyes are dull, without lustre, deep-set; the pupils do not react to light.
Haemorrhages in the eyes, with burning and congestion to the head.
Agglutination of eyelids at night. Unable to open the eyes at night, when she cannot fall asleep.