
Materia Medica Viva Volume 7 – page 1606

Carbo vegetabilis headaches centre in the occiput. They often extend upwards from the nape of the neck or from the spine. Dull headache in the occiput. Sometimes these headaches commence after eating. ‘After each meal, pains extend up the spine, until a dull occipital headache ensues about one hour after eating’ (Klassische Homoopathie 2/89). ‘Pressure in the occiput, especially after supper’ (Hahnemann).
Or there are violent pressive pains at and in the occiput, near the nape of the neck. These dull or pressive occipital headaches may reach a formidable intensity; the patient can no longer move, cannot turn over, cannot lie on his side, cannot be jarred, for if he tries to do so, his head seems to burst. Sometimes such pain expands over the whole head and to the eyes. With such pain, a strange confusion in the head may come over the patient. He cannot think properly, has to make an effort to collect his senses.
Pressive frontal headache, particularly immediately above the eyes; the eyes ache when they are moved. Pressive pain in both temples.
Burning in the head; hot head, cold body and breath; a ‘hot spot’ the size of a hand during continuous headache; burning and violent pressive headache in the evenings in bed.
Rushes of blood to the head, sometimes followed by nosebleed; the head feels turgid and distended. A feeling of weight or heaviness like lead is very characteristic. Pulsating headaches, especially in the evening in bed, with difficult breathing; throbbing in the temples and a sensation of fullness in the brain after sleep, on waking from a midday nap; or painful throbbing in the head on taking a breath.
Headaches are brought on by overheating, especially if exposed to a draught while in a heated state; as Hahnemann puts it, ‘from fast alternation between warm and cold’. Also, any over-indulgence (in wine, in food, especially from eating fatty food) might bring on a headache, and an interesting modality is headaches relieved by eructation.