
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page120

and at what cost and suffering to themselves, their families and their societies?
Has anybody calculated the total number of people "dragging along" in our western societies with very serious chronic conditions, and the total cost paid by different governments to prolong their ordeal? Can established medicine pride itself on such attainments?
Why is it that the total cost of health care has reached such unprecedented heights in these countries? Such costs could only be justified if everyone in these societies were sick or disabled for a considerable length of time. Yet often established medicine quotes statistics that are not representative of the real picture, and we naively believe their claims. Very few individuals have ever pointed the finger at established medicine and blamed it for the state of health in which we find ourselves today.
27. Every organism has different levels of predispositions that under stress can be triggered in stages.
The first group of predispositions to be triggered in the life of a person will be the least serious medically. If the organism continues to receive harmful stimulation, especially from chemical drugs, then the second line of resistance comes into action and a new level of predisposition is activated. In such an instance the disturbance automatically goes deeper and becomes more serious. The person actually dies when his main level of predisposition (his weakest point) has been activated.
This is what has happened with AIDS. Constant venereal infections in conjunction with repeated assaults from chemical drugs have broken down the defenses of young and initially healthy individuals and brought them to the last stage of their defenses.
If the hypothesis advanced in this Model is correct, one can easily understand the confusion that would be created within the organism if antibiotics continued to be prescribed for pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (one of the end stages of AIDS).
28. There are different degrees of attraction between
the organism and various pathological agents. The
severity of the disease is directly proportional to the
degree of attraction.