
Materia Medica Viva Volume 7 – page 1601

Choudhuri, p. 177) will serve best to give a picture:
‘The patient presented a Hippocratic countenance, the eyes half open, nose pinched and cold, lips blue, pupils insensible; no complaint or crying from the child. The pulse I found small and quick, difficult to count, but beyond 130; the body thin, lean and marbled; feet and hands blue and cold, although constant application of hot cloths is made; abdomen distended with gas; respiration frequent, but not full. Auscultation revealed only tracheal sounds, and no vesicular murmur. The breath is cold. The previous history of the case, although not very clear, was not more encouraging. The child had, during the last two months, three nurses; since three or four days she had fever and a cough, and since noon has ceased to cough and to nurse; no stool or urine. Although preparing the parents for the speedy death of the child, I ordered a more frequent application of warm cloths, and in the meantime dissolved four globules of Carbo vegetabilis 30, in seven or eight teaspoonfuls of water. A few doses of this were given every ten minutes. The child improved from this time.’
Sometimes Carbo vegetabilis children will also have a desire to ‘vent themselves’ in rage, with striking, kicking, and biting. In severe diseases such as typhoid you may find the child lying almost semiconscious, losing urine and stool which is diarrhoeic; the abdomen is distended; the tongue dry, cracked and dark red; and complete exhaustion.
As mentioned before, the action of Carbo vegetabilis centres on the circulation and more especially on the venous side of it. The blood seems to stagnate in the veins, especially In the capillaries of lips and limbs, and thus blueness and coldness of the body comes on.
Ecchymoses are frequent; also varicose veins on different parts of the body: legs, genitals, nose, pharynx, etc. Or there may be a