patient more quickly from his long anaesthetic state.
It is interesting that this remedy has a reputation as a ‘corpse reviver.’ People who are almost dead, almost lifeless, come back to life with surprising ease under this remedy. Carbo vegetabilis will revive those patients, and if the pathology is such that it allows for a cure, the remedy will keep them alive for a long time. It will immediately help the circulation and allow the organism to transfer oxygen to the blood, thus preventing fainting or cutting it short; it will prevent severe complications or even death in certain cases; at least, this is the feeling that you have in watching such cases.
There are many reports of such cures, as for example the following impressive case of Margaret Tyler: ‘A small girl with heart disease, and an acute exacerbation supervening that was abruptly ending her young life. She had a pneumonia with pleural effusion, an endocarditis with pericardial effusion, and one morning, when the Physician was going his round accompanied by several other doctors, she was found lying forward on the supports that had to be provided, because she could not rest otherwise, cold, white, unconscious; just alive, because she was still giving the infrequent sharp gasps of the dying. Carbo vegetabilis (I think 200) was quickly administered, while one of the doctors of wide experience exclaimed, “I’ll eat my hat if that child lives!” But before the ward round was finished she had regained warmth and consciousness; death had passed on!’
This is the way emptiness and lack of vital power are experienced on the bodily level, but the Carbo vegetabilis emptiness is felt on all three levels. Emotionally the patient feels so empty of feelings that it causes him to be indifferent to anything and everything that happens around him, to all external impressions. It is one of the best remedies for depression that reaches that state of total indifference. Actually, it is not so much a true depression but a kind of apathy caused by deep pathology, which primarily affects the circulation. The