Vegetable Charcoal.
C (impure). Trituration.
If there is one word that characterizes the pathology of this remedy, the word is emptiness. It is a feeling as if life has gone leaving an empty space, a shell without life, an empty sack. Such are the feelings of the typical Carbo vegetabilis patient: totally devoid of energy, and he will feel this way in both acute and chronic conditions.
If we were to generalise grossly about such pathology we could say that it is the result of imperfect oxygenation of the blood and sluggish circulation. The oxygen that keeps life going cannot reach the brain cells in sufficient quantity any more, so even death may seem to be imminent. It is a remedy we must think of in cases where the patient confirms that the present state has originated after a specific stress, be it a common cold, a more severe acute disease, after a fall or an accident, any sort of loss of blood, a night of overeating and consequent indigestion, or due to drinking too much; in general it appears wherever the organism, under a particular stress, has fallen into a chronic state that has disturbed him for years without ever recovering.
Strong allopathic drugging, childbirth, surgical operations, etc. may also trigger such Carbo vegetabilis states of emptiness, apathy, exhaustion, weakness, acute as well as chronic. Carbo vegetabilis is a remedy that should be used very frequently – with tremendously beneficial results – after operations, in order to bring back the