Carbo animalis has a strong action upon the skin. There are many kinds of eruptions: acne rosacea, boils, carbuncles, maculae, and so on, especially in the face. ‘Bright red, smooth spots, “thickish” to the touch, in face’ (Bonninghausen). Induration and bluish-red discoloration are often present. Offensive, ichorous, acrid discharges exude from ulcers and other skin defects; there is a tendency to ulceration, gangrene, putrefaction.
The remedy may also be indicated in erysipelatous swellings with burning
pain and indurations of the affected part.
It is beneficial in cicatrices that sting and break open, which are much worse when the weather changes.
Unsightly scars from skin eruptions.
The general makeup of the skin is dry and flabby, sometimes literally hanging in folds, and there is often paleness and a bluish hue of the body surface, due to the circulatory problems.
Itching that spreads all over the skin, especially in the evening in bed.
Acne rosacea. Aneurysm. Appetite, disordered. Breast, cancer of. Bubo. Cancer. Cataract. Constipation. Coccygodynia. Cough. Empyema. Eructations. Face, eruption on. Gangrene. Glandular indurations. Haemorrhoids. Headache. Home-sickness. Hypertrophy. Lactation, effects of. Legs, pains in. Leucorrhoea. Lumbago. Nose, affections of. Otorrhoea. Pancreas, indurated. Perspiration, altered. Pleurisy. Polypus. Scrofula. Strabismus. Syphilis. Tongue, affections of. Trachea, affections of. Ulceration. Uterus, cancer of. Vision, disorders of.
Compare: Calc-p. (nearest analogue: Carb-an. contains Calc-p.); in indurations, suppurations. Bad., Bro.; loss of fluids. Chi., Graph.; nostrils adhere to septum. Phos. ; gone feeling, loss of fluids, induration of cervix, pressure on back, groin, and thighs during menses. Sep.; Sep. does not have the venosity, the copper-