
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 119

young, due to the fact that in their case two out of three of the factors that we have discussed are extremely negative. These negative factors are inappropriate medical treatment coupled with very difficult external circumstances, which together gen¬erate a persistently negative emotional state.
It is also possible for a person born with certain predispositions to disease to rise above them by obtaining correct treat¬ment and living "properly." It is quite conceivable that a person born with the predisposition to die at the age of 75 years may live up to age 85 or even 100 if he follows a "right way of living."
We actually lengthen or shorten our potential lifespan by the way we treat ourselves and the way we live our lives. The much-publicized notions of an extended lifespan for western people are definitely misleading. Before the appearance of AIDS, the following was written in 1976 in DHSS Prevention and Health, Everybody’s Business: "Every year health expenditure rises without any increase in the benefits to the population. In the last thirty years life expectancy has not risen for anybody over the age of 45 at all."
Illich, using as reference the paper of Charles Stewart, Allocation of Resources to Health,17 states, "In contrast to environmental improvements and modern non-professional health measures, the specific medical treatment of people is never significantly related to a decline in the compound disease burden or to a rise in life expectancy… It is therefore ironic that during this unique boom in health care the United States has established another ‘first’. Shortly after the boom started, the life expectancy for adult American males began to decline and is now expected to decline even further." 15
The quality of life has also dropped dramatically. In many instances, modern civilized man is already "dead" at the age of 35. He is "dead" because the quality of his health has deteriorated. There are mental and emotional disturbances which began at an early age and continue for a very long time; there is no joy or happiness in life, but only a wretched existence that drags along, artificially supported by drugs. Today people may live up to 60 or 70 years, but with osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, allergies, asthma, heart conditions, neuromuscular disorders, epilepsy, diabetes, mental diseases, Alzheimer’s disease, idiocy, cancer or AIDS. What kind of life are they leading