stinging, extending to the axillae and down the arms; the axillary lymph nodes are frequently also affected, swollen and hard. The tumours may be malignant or not (compare Kent’s remark about cancer, under ‘Generalities’). Carbo animalis has been helpful in recurrent mammary tumours, if the symptoms agree, especially if the characteristic homesickness is present.
A proving symptom: ‘Stinging pain in lower part of right mamma; aggravated on slight pressure, arresting her breath on stronger pressure.’
Leucorrhoea: watery, while standing and walking; burning and biting; colouring the linen yellow; causing a weak feeling in the stomach.
Neck and Back
Swelling and induration of the glands and lymph nodes of the neck, with stinging pain and purple discoloration; sometimes very severe. Swelling of thyroid gland, with much sensitivity to touch or tight clothing around the neck. Burning pain in the back. Left-sided pain, unable to lie on this side.
Tensive or pressive pain between the scapulae, as from over-lifting, more on motion of the arms; better from rubbing.
Drawing pain in the small of the back, with a feeling as if it were broken, when walking, standing, and lying. Sharp drawing transversely across the small of the back, which is very sensitive to every step.
Pressive pain in the small of the back; stiffness.
Sacral pain during stool, with inflation of the abdomen.
Carbo animalis is sometimes indicated in coccygeal pain, either from injuries or neuralgic in character. Its affinity to the os coccygis manifests in the following proving symptoms: ‘Dragging bruised pain in coccyx.’ Coccygeal pain that becomes burning on touch.’ ‘Pain as from a subcutaneous ulcer at the lowest end of the spine, usually only when sitting and lying.’
All limbs feel bruised, especially on motion. The joints are generally weak, feel bruised and as if broken or separated, with easy dislocation; they tend to