Hard, also malignant, swellings of the glands in the genital region. In
olden times, Carbo animalis has been used in syphilitic buboes with foetid ichorous discharge. It is reported to have a favourable influence upon cancer of the scrotum (as it relatively often develops in chimney sweeps, from contact with soot).
Genitalia – Female
Menses a few days too early; increased, especially from the second day on, with dark blood that is often clotted and may smell putrid. A remedy in menorrhagia from indurated tumours at the cervix uteri. Or else: menstrual flow not profuse, but prolonged, and only in the morning.
The menses may be preceded by headaches. During menses: pain in the small of the back and groin; great lameness of the thighs; violent pressure in the groin, in the small of the back, in the thighs, with an inclination to belching which, however, is not effected, with chill and yawning. The menstrual flow often weakens the patient very much: after its onset, she is so weary that she can hardly speak, with yawning and stretching.
Many disorders of the internal genitalia, generally with burning (‘like coals of fire’, Kent), sometimes with tearing pain, and with a sensation of heaviness and pressure. They are usually accompanied by induration of some part and may go along with bleeding or bloody discharges that are acrid and offensive. Burning pain in the hypogastrium, below the navel, extending into the thighs or to the small of the back; labour-like bearing-down pains. ‘Induration of the right ovary which feels like a heavy ball.’ Chronic metritis or other inflammatory diseases involving induration of the cervix. Ulcers of the os uteri, or erectile tumours with burning pain.
Pelvic bones feel painful, especially on sitting,; has to bend double to get relief. Nausea during pregnancy, with a peculiar modality; it occurs mainly at night. Lochia prolonged, thin, offensive, excoriating; with numbness of limbs. Carbo animalis has a special affinity to the mammae. Painful nodules in the mammae, very hard, often purple-coloured; even the whole mamma can be hard as stone and painful. The pain is violently burning, or tearing and