
Materia Medica Viva Volume 7 – page 1585

amount to ‘whining desperation.’
Rattling on breathing when lying in bed in the evening.
Fear of suffocation on closing the eyes when lying in bed in the evening; relieved by sitting up and opening the eyes.
Burning in the chest, with pressive pain; or sharp burning stitches.
Violent pain in the whole chest as if it might burst, with an internal, sore pain. Sensation of coldness in the chest; in the praecordia; from the front right through to the back.
The remedy is suitable in ‘lingering’ pleurisy and other respiratory infections with slow and sluggish development and lack of reaction; or else in the ensuing convalescence where only the stitching pain is left.
The patient experiences violent palpitations: in the morning on waking, compelling him to lie completely still with his eyes closed and without talking; when singing in church. Each heart beat is felt in the head.
Stitches in the heart from talking and a sensation as if chest and heart were torn when moving the arms; with constriction of the chest and a sensation of suffocation.
Complete loss of appetite; nothing tastes good. Sometimes there is an empty, faint, ‘all gone’ feeling in the stomach, but without any hunger and appetite, and which is not at all improved by eating. This symptom may come on after breast-feeding her child. ‘So weak that she cannot eat’ (Hering). The patient may also feel ravenous hunger.
Aversion to fat is prominent, especially to fat meat which causes complaints: long-continued nausea, vomiturition, much empty eructation. Desire for vegetables, especially for raw sauerkraut, with aversion to meat is characteristic. There is a desire for sour and refreshing things. Averse to tobacco smoke which causes nausea; sometimes to cold drinking.