There is a raw sensation all over the pharynx and oesophagus down to the pit of the stomach, which is not increased by swallowing.
Roughness of the throat, which appears every morning, and disappears after eating breakfast.
A sore throat with burning pain like heartburn, down to the stomach, is slightly relieved after eating and drinking; worse in the evening, at night, and in the morning, but better after rising.
Pressure in the throat, only when swallowing.
Much mucus in the throat, and much hawking as well as blowing of the nose.
Hoarseness with rough throat, in the morning, but even worse in the evening. Or hoarseness by day and complete loss of voice during the night; wakes with severe coughing, anxiety and perspiration, and cannot get enough air.
Irritated by coughing with constriction of the larynx and spasm of the chest. Cough from a tickling sensation in the trachea, relieved after eating.
Pain in the trachea as from coughing for a long time.
Severe dry cough in the morning on rising and nearly all day, shaking the hypogastrium as if everything would fall out; has to sit down and hold her belly with the hands; loose rattling in the chest before she loosens mucus by coughing.
Suffocating, hoarse cough, excited from rawness and dryness in the larynx and trachea; without expectoration by night, but with grey or greenish sputa by day, sometimes purulent and tasting putrid and sour. One prover reported that the cough seemed to be ‘excited only in a small spot, the size of an inch [2.5 cm ], in the right chest.’
Dry cough at night, only when lying on the right side.
Coughing excites a sore pain in the hypogastrium; or a sensation of looseness of the brain.
Dyspnoea and oppression of the chest, especially in the morning and after eating; with gasping or a wheezing inspiration. Violent constriction or compression of the chest, as if he were about to suffocate. The dyspnoea is often accompanied by anxiety and a discouraged, low-spirited mood that may