
Materia Medica Viva Volume 7 – page 1581

connection with digestive disturbances, flatulence. Heat in the head, with anxiety, in bed, ameliorated by getting up.
Heaviness of the head: in the morning, with dim vision and watery eyes; or at night, with lassitude of the lower limbs, is hardly able to lift them.
Stitches and painful throbbing in the occiput or in the vertex, even with a bursting sensation, which come on easily when walking. Or: there are tearings and throbbing in the entire head and face, orbitae, ears, side of face, cheek bone, and lower jaw, which are somewhat relieved by pressure of the hand.
Pain in the vertex, which feels as if the skull is being split or torn apart. The patient must hold his head with his hands (even for many hours) for fear it will fall apart. The pain may move forward, into the forehead.
Tearing pain in the right side of the head.
The scalp is often extremely sensitive to cold air, especially if dry, and to any pressure or touch, with or without the headaches. Tension of the skin at the forehead and vertex; it seems to be involuntarily ‘drawn up’.
Eruptions of the scalp, especially if forming crusts, have been cured with this remedy. There may be intense itching, an urge to scratch to the point of bleeding, but without relief of the itching.
In the eyes there is also a feeling of looseness, as if they were lying loose in their sockets; he feels he does not have the power to exert them to see clearly. Nets seem to swim before the eyes, or many small black and yellow spots are seen in regular lines, by candle-light.
Pressive pain in the eyes in the evening, with artificial light.
Dim, foggy sight, eyes are weak, cannot do anything which requires exertion of the eyes. There is a tendency to far-sightedness (Carbo vegetabilis: to near-sightedness).
The most important symptom here is a special kind of weak and ‘confused’ hearing: the sounds are commingled, and he cannot tell from which direction they come. ‘It seems to him as though they came from another