
Materia Medica Viva Volume 7 – page 1579

much improved! The report said: ‘For the time being, further treatment not necessary.’ This is certainly not a ‘cancer cure’, but what kind of treatment could have helped the patient better than homeopathy?
Geukens’ Homoeopathic Practice also reports several cases where (as it turned out) non-malignant mammary tumours, which were also recurrent, were treated. The doctors, following Kent’s advice, treated the patient, rather than the cancer. The symptom of great homesickness, together with burning pain (not necessarily at the site of the tumour, but, for example, in the knees or heels), decided the case in favour of Carbo animalis, and again the results were favourable.
The ‘disorderly distribution of material’ in the hypertrophic states has its analogy in the circulation system, as pointed out by Kent. There is beating in the blood vessels, ‘throbbing and pulsating in the whole body, worse in the evening’ (Hahnemann). There are also flushes of heat and ebullition of the blood or local congestion without heat. ‘A rushing of heat as though the body was full of steam. Awful sensation through the chest and in the head, like some great earthquake taking place’ (Kent).
A useful indication: ‘In pleurisy where everything is cured but “the stitch”, and that remains’ (Guernsey).
Some additional modalities:
Worse: especially while eating, but often also afterwards, especially from eating fatty food; during and after menses; from shaving; from lying on the side. Worse from cold air and draught, from becoming cold, sometimes from damp cold air, but more frequently from dry cold (Aconitum). Dr. Gaublomme (in Small Remedies) observed an aggravation in a Carbo animalis case from a change in weather from wet to dry, an interesting modality, which requires further confirmation. Relief of pain comes from laying a hand on the affected part.