
Materia Medica Viva Volume 7 – page 1577

abdomen, following a surgical operation, the remedy competes with its closest relative, Carbo vegetabilis, and Tyler values it even higher than the latter: ‘Nothing could be more striking than its prompt relief of flatulent distension after operations on the abdomen. One has seen that more than once.’
The pains that Carbo animalis causes and cures are frequently intensely burning in character. In an ‘involuntary proving’ related by Mezger, where a man was exposed to the smoke of the charring hooves of cattle, on the third day a violent burning came on in the mucous membranes, first in the ears, then the eyes, the pleura region and the kidney region, and also in an old scar from a burn. Interestingly, on the skin, above the left inguinal ligament, an ‘eruption’ as large as a dove’s egg appeared. It was purple or livid coloured, took a long time to heal and itched and burned very much.
We can also refer to Kent who reports: ‘The woman has so much burning in the vagina that she persuades the physician to make a more careful examination than he has done. He will probably find the whole cervix inflamed; purple and somewhat enlarged. She says it burns like coals of fire.’Another feature is a tendency to ulceration and decomposition, along with foul, acrid discharge. As Noack/Trinks put it, ‘Carbo animalis corresponds to the process of putrefaction.’ Regarding all the above general characteristics, Kent’s indication ‘in ulcers and fistular openings, where the walls become hard and bum, and the discharge becomes acrid’ is easily seen.
Small wonder, then, that Carbo animalis has been used in tumours and other infections that are suspected to be malignant, if the characteristic local and general symptoms agree. Kent reports favourable experiences with Carbo animalis in certain cancer cases with hard, infiltrating tumours, dark-coloured, purple surface, burning pain, acrid discharge, much bleeding and night-sweats, though with an important qualification: