The disease processes of Carbo animalis usually develop slowly and deeply, ‘insidiously’, as Kent calls it. This is similar to the other carbon, Carbo vegetabilis, which also has the great weakness and prostration that result even from small vital losses and from exhausting diseases. However, a special feature of Carbo animalis is its tendency to infiltration and induration. ‘Just as sure as an organ in the Carbo animalis patient becomes congested it becomes hard and purple from infiltration, and has a tendency to remain so.’ (Kent).
Hard, frequently purple-red swellings of the lymph nodes in the axillae and neck, or of the glands, especially the mammae, have often been helped with this remedy, as have other infiltrated hypertrophic processes, especially of the abdominal glands and in the genital region. These are ‘indolent’ processes, in which the tendency to suppurate is almost nil. This is completely different from other remedies such as Hepar sulphuris, Mercurius, and Sulphur in which the inflammatory process is speeded up.
So far as the remedy action is concerned, the ‘sluggish’ quality of the mind is already discussed above. This quality manifests itself on all levels of the organism. Carbo animalis is overall a passive remedy. ‘The Carbo animalis inflammation comes on slowly, its progress is slow, and there is no tendency to repair’ (Kent). There is a lack of reaction. Along with this, we have extreme prostration: ‘Weakness with want of energy of the body, with confusion of the head.’ The circulation is also sluggish: the veins tend to be distended, the skin can become cyanotic, especially the hands and feet.
Every kind of strain, stress or drain on the system can easily produce great debility, generally or locally: small losses of fluid, over-lifting, cold air or draught, etc. The joints are weak and easily dislocated. The digestion is weak and sluggish, everything eaten may cause complaints, especially flatulence. In gaseous distension of the