
A New Model For Health And Disease – Page 117

4. Those who are not sensitive to the drug and whose overall state of health is quite good will survive the treatment and will manifest only mild, temporary side effects which will go away without further disturbance.
Of course, there are other subgroups within these classifica¬tions, but here it will suffice to specify only those mentioned above. The gist of the matter is that after an enormous assault on the organism by massive doses of allopathic drugs, there are varied side effects exhibited by different individuals that defy classification; therefore, the real extent of the harm done by allopathic drugs will never be known. Such "drugging" can create new predispositions and convert existing ones into full¬blown diseases.
I regret having to be so emphatic about drug side effects because I do recognize the value of allopathic drugs in certain situations. My principal objection is with the manner in which these drugs have been utilized by the established medical system. From my perspective these drugs have on the whole been more harmful than beneficial.15
c. External circumstances that force the individual to think in a specific way or to develop certain negative feelings.
Negative thoughts and feelings resulting from some unfortunate event in life are the third way of creating predispositions to disease. We will take as an example the case of parents who have an invalid child. For some, this event is taken in the right way; it is accepted and faced in a calm manner. For others, this same event becomes a source of constant grief and upset and daily torture. These constant negative feelings or thoughts will eventually predispose the organism to some serious health problem even though the person initially appears quite healthy. The same thing happens with any kind of grief that remains as a source of emotional or mental suffering for a long time.
26. Predisposition is "a potential condition" which may or may not manifest as a pathological state during the lifespan of an individual. Its manifestation will