weak. Rheumatic pain in the limbs with redness about the painful joint. Formication in the lower limbs, in the foot, which extends over the body.
The muscles and tendons of the calf contract and the extremities are drawn upwards during chill.
Sleep full of dreams. Yawning. Insomnia from emotions, from homesickness, or from coughing.
Insomnia from pain in the face. He yawns constantly, after eating, when he is chilly and especially during diarrhoea. The sleepiness he feels after eating is ameliorated by motion. He constantly wants to lie down and sleep. When he does go to bed he frequently wakes after midnight and then cannot sleep again. Comatose sleep with eyes open.
His sleep is restless and full of dreams: dreams of fright, of falling from a height, of worries and difficulties.
The chill begins in, and extends out from, between the scapulae to the whole body, accompanied by great thirst and ill humour. He gets chilled from the least draught of air and drinking increases the chill and causes shivering and shuddering. Chills run up his back and he feels thirst at the same time. He feels chilly externally, but inwardly there is great burning. The chill occurs at 10:30 a.m., beginning between the shoulders and running down the back. Symptoms are worse during the evening, from 6 to 9 p.m.
Chill as if water were trickling down the back and he only feels better if he can sleep with something hot against his back. He sweats with the chill.
Chill in warm weather; during the fever; during diarrhoea; on moving.
The chill begins in the morning or in the evening around 6 p.m. and he shakes and shivers with it. Walking in the open air ameliorates the chill and the fever. The chill is followed either by heat, sweat, or heat followed by sweat.
The fever goes in a succession of stages: heat, then cold sweat, followed by the chill. He shudders with the heat. Internal heat with external chill.
Hectic fever from excitement, after emotions, or feeling nostalgic, with violent burning and headache. There is an absence of thirst during the heat, but