Urinary Organs
Frequent ineffectual urging to urinate, especially while sitting down.
Scalding of urine.
Painful urging to urinate with urging to stool.
Dysuria during apyrexia.
Frequent micturition with scalding, smarting and sticking pain in the urethra. The urine comes first in spurts and then in drops.
Chordee; extreme sensitivity of the urethra. Cutting and biting pains which extend backwards when not urinating and after urination. Stitching and needle-like pain in the urethra, especially in the morning.
Everted meatus; the meatus burns before urination.
He passes pure blood from the urethra and it is very painful to the touch. Strangury, tenesmus of the neck of the bladder; it becomes constricted, particularly in the morning, and exertion causes the bladder to become paralysed with painful retention of urine.
Chronic, purulent discharge from the urethra, which is cream-like and acrid, or bloody, yellow, slimy and thin.
Renal pain, with or without calculi.
Pain in the prostate gland after coitus; during gonorrhoea.
Stitching, stinging pain in the neck of the bladder when coughing. The bladder aches and burns.
Genitalia – Male
Increased episodes of sexual passion with continued painful erections and extreme sensitivity in the urethra.
The urethra is painful to the touch and oozes a white or creamy discharge; the patient has chordee; cold water eases the discomfort.
Protracted non-specific urethritis.
The scrotum is cold, sexual desire disappears and he becomes impotent. The testicles dwindle and the spermatic cords shrivel up.
Cramp-like, testicular pain during and after emissions.
Pain in the prostate gland; drawing pain in the spermatic cords during and after urination; pinching pain in the testes in the afternoon and while urinating. Coldness in the genitalia in the morning on waking. The testes become numb.