legs, ears. When he coughs he feels as if his head would fly to pieces; cough with a feeling of pulling upward from the stomach, up the chest to the throat pit. Coughing with stitching in the epiglottis; in the pharynx.
The cough is aggravated after anger, after warm drinks, worse in the afternoon, 5 to 9 p.m., when lying down, after sharp winds, dry, cold weather, any draught, either warm or cold.
Coffee aggravates the cough, but cold drinks ameliorate.
The expectoration is a dirty brown and has an earthy taste. It is difficult to raise and he is too weak to cough it out.
Motion ameliorates the cough.
Tightness of the chest, which appears to come from the stomach. Pain as if the chest were constricted, which oppresses the breath, and increases on very slight movement. Throbbing pain in the chest; in the sternum during respiration. Pain and a sensation of constriction which arrests breathing and is worse even on slight motion and when sitting. The ribs seem dislocated. Lying down is also painful, and the sides of the chest ache. Raising the arm causes a sore, bruised pain in the region of the axilla.
Coughing causes drawing pain in one or both sides of the chest, up to the neck. Drawing in the clavicle extending to the tips of the fingers.
With the cough, there is a feeling of pulling upwards from the stomach, up through the chest to the throat-pit.
Pressing and stitching pain; worse with deep breathing. After eating there is a feeling of fullness and anxiety in the chest.
The chest is very cold during a chill. The pulse is either irregular, intermittent and slow or full and strong and fastest in the evening.
Appetite increased, alternating with aversion to food and complete anorexia. He desires stimulating foods and pungent flavours or strange, indigestible foods. He desires coffee but it makes him feel nauseous. After drinking it he will retch or even vomit.