Chaps on the lips; fissured lips. Acne on the lips; acne rosacea.
The lips are swollen, cracked and peeling; they smart and burn. Fissures appear on the lips or ulcers erupt, which make the lips very painful on motion.
Pimples appear on the left side and below the nose and itching eruptions break out on the forehead.
Viscid mucus in the mouth. Watery insipid taste in the mouth, then heartburn. Burning, painful vesicles in the mouth.
Foul, putrid taste in the mouth, followed by heartburn; food tastes sour.
When coughing, the air from the lungs causes a strange, offensive taste in the mouth and the air expelled is unbearably foul and carrion-like.
The tongue is dry and discoloured green, but he is not thirsty; or there is copious saliva, which is viscid and offensive. He salivates during a chill. Ulcerative stomatitis.
The palate is discoloured red and swallowing brings on a pinching pain.
The teeth look dirty and are painful; the pain extends upwards.
The gums are hot, burning, swollen and sensitive. They become spongy and retract from the teeth.
Small, burning vesicles erupt on the tongue; the inside of the lips are full of flat, sensitive, spreading ulcers with a lardaceous centre. Pimples in the inner cheeks.
Tough congealed mucus in the posterior nares, on rising in the morning, requiring much hawking to dislodge.
The throat burns and feels very sore with ulcers on the fauces. Burning and other pains in the throat, worse between acts of deglutition. Pain and dryness in the throat. The throat is inflamed, dark red, burning and pressing. There is painful pressure in the hard and soft palate while swallowing and the uvula elongates and feels as if it is pressing on something hard.
There is spasmodic contraction of the throat with a convulsive, constricting choking feeling; paralysis of the throat. Continuous stitches in the throat, triggering a dry, convulsive cough.
Hoarse voice of public speakers (Argentum nitricum).