stitches through the ear and over the eye.
Walking in the cold air, draughts and cold bathing also cause a headache, but heat ameliorates the pain.
Pressing headache in the forehead, as though pressure from the occiput would force the brain out through the forehead, accompanied by a cutting pain coming forward from the occiput. The cutting pain is aggravated by rest and better by walking. Looking up or stooping causes pressing and stitching pain in the sides of the head.
Megrim and hysterical cephalalgia.
Eruption of herpes; corrosive, burning itching of the scalp ameliorated by scratching. Sensation as if the hair is being pulled out.
Swelling on the mastoid process behind the ear which is painful to touch. Periostitis and caries of the mastoid process.
Headache during chill.
The eyes protrude from the sockets and there is a sensation of enlargement, with burning and lachrymation.
An aching pain in the eyes, as if from a foreign body.
Vision is poor in the morning and he sees black objects before the eyes. Rubbing the eyes ameliorates the dim vision.
During a chill the pupils are contracted.
The eyes burn and are red in the morning and he has difficulty in opening them. Eyes itch during coryza.
Tearing in the concha of the ear. An itching pain quite deep in the ear. An aching pain quite deep in the ear.
Abscesses erupt behind the ear.
Threatened caries of the mastoid process. Tearing pain behind the left ear. The mastoid bone and the petrous portion of the temporal bone become extremely painful and inflamed. The middle ear suppurates, the ear becomes very hot and the tympanum perforates; the cavity fills with thick, yellow pus.
The hearing is extremely sensitive during a chill and he cannot bear noise.