
Materia Medica Viva Volume 7 – page 1543

Stitching and gnawing pain at the sacrum, especially in the evening. Lancination and tearing sensations in the coccyx, causing him to start.
Cutting pain in both loins, extending up to the axillae, where it transforms into stitching.
Great lassitude, especially of the lower limbs, can hardly ascend stairs; trembling of the limbs with restlessness; trembling of lower limbs during motion. Dryness in the joints.
Dropsical swelling of the hands and feet.
Cold extremities; cold hands and feet, or burning soles with icy-cold hands. But also: palms burn like fire.
Cold sweat on the hands and feet.
Tearing and stitching pain in the arms.
Tearing in the right humerus, ceasing on pressure. Gnawing pain in the middle of the right upper arm. Tearing in the bend of the right elbow.
Stitches from the right wrist towards the elbow, each accompanied by a shock. Pain and tension in the little finger.
Eczematous eruption on the dorsum of the hand and between the fingers; burning, pricking, shallow vesicles, filling with fluid and soon drying into thin crusts, which peel off, leaving denuded spots; worse from cool water, better by warmth. Fearfully itching and burning vesicles between the fingers.
The vesicles burn on touch.
Coxalgia with spasmodic pain in the bladder and strangury.
Tearing from the right, and later, the left hip bone, down to the knees.
Violent, sometimes boring pain in the knees, causing the patient to scream; warm, dry applications relieve the pain somewhat. The knees must not touch each other because of the great pain and sensitivity.
Painful feeling of extreme fatigue in the knees and legs; tottering of the knees when descending stairs.
Painful intermittent twitching in the outer side of the left knee, alternating with the same twitching at the right side of the occiput.
Violent tearing in the calves, as if the flesh was torn away.
Tearing and stitching from the right instep up towards the middle of the thigh, alternating with a tearing in the left side of the head. Darting pain from the