continuing for years. Swelling and irritation of the vulva. Sexual arousal may be increased during menses, and is often attended by burning and scalding during urination, with the urine being discharged by drops.
Sensation in the hypogastrium as if menses would appear, after midnight. Menses: too early; too profuse or too scanty; often black blood; attended by great soreness of the breasts.
Uterine haemorrhages with great irritation in the neck of the bladder.
Cantharis has been used successfully in cases of abortion where a constant desire to urinate was present.
The remedy is said to promote fecundity, and it helps to expel moles, dead foetuses and the afterbirth. Retained placenta or membranes, usually with painful urination, is a well-confirmed indication for the remedy.
Puerperal metritis, especially with mania of a sexual character; convulsions, renewed by sight, sound or drinking of water and by touching the larynx. Bearing-down pain from the abdomen to the genitalia.
Inflammation of the ovaries, with burning pain, especially worse during menstruation, ovaries extremely sensitive. Stitches in the ovarian region, so painful and intense as to arrest breathing.
Cysts at ovaries; hydatides.
Swollen cervical lymph nodes, sore to the touch.
Nape of the neck stiff, painful tension when bending forward.
Tearing in the cervical muscles; on walking.
Tearing pain in the back, especially in the morning.
Chills and shivering that move up or down the back. A strange symptom from a proving is a repeated feeling of coldness in a region, the size of a hand, at the left side of the lumbar vertebrae; it is a sensation of goose-flesh with violent and annoying formication, restricted to that area. This sensation was most felt when sitting down in the evening.
Pain in the region of the loins and kidneys, stitching, cutting, or tearing, with urinary symptoms.
Dull heavy pain in the lumbar region, increased by pressure; sometimes extending to the perineum.
Stitching in the small of the back after rising from a seat, when walking.