Cantharis has been prescribed in acute gonorrhoea with the most intense suffering, with constant distress in the bladder, bloody discharge, and sexual arousal; in men with chordee (painful erection with downward curvature of the penis). The most characteristic feature of Cantharis in the sexual area is an intensely increased sex drive of both sexes which cannot be satisfied by coitus; satyriasis or nymphomania.
Genitalia – Male
Strong sexual desire which disturbs sleep at night; sometimes with an annoying tingling and voluptuous heat in the urethra and constant erection. Violent, painful priapism; prolonged erections with excessive pain along the urethra.
Strong erections at night, with pain in the entire urethra as if contracting and sore. But we also see strong and persistent erections without pain and without any voluptuous sensation.
Burning at excretory ducts of the seminal vesicles in the urethra, during and after coitus.
Spermatorrhoea. Sperm is discharged in the morning in bed with a relaxed penis and almost without erotic sensation. Emission of blood instead of sperm, or emission mixed with blood.
Cutting pain from the kidneys along the spermatic cords to the penis, with retraction of the testes.
Drawing pain in the spermatic cord during urination. Violent pain in the glans constantly precedes micturition.
Heat and sweat at the genitalia.
If little boys frequently pull at their penis, this is a key-note of Cantharis. Swelling of the glans penis which is very painful to external pressure which is very painful if external pressure is applied. Dropsical swelling of the penis and scrotum.
Genitalia – Female
Extreme pruritus vaginae, often with greatly increased and constant sexual desire. Unbearable pruritus during menopause, sometimes