pressure in the region of the bladder; along with this sensation, a pressive pain in the meatus has also been observed.
Painful discharge of a few drops of bloody urine, causing very severe sharp pain, as if a red-hot iron were passed along the urethra; most acutely felt at the membranous portion of the canal, and in the meatus urinarius.
Constant burning sensation in the urethra, even when not urinating.
Frightful pain in the urethra before, during, and after urination; the prover (female) had to bend over double and screamed with pain.
Very frequent urging, intolerable tenesmus. The urinary organs are so highly irritated that he can hardly bear more than a spoonful of urine in the bladder without having the urge to urinate.
Sudden urge to urinate on seeing or hearing running water. Urging which wakes him from sleep, with very scanty micturition, leaving intolerable burning.
Much more urging while standing, still more during walking, than while sitting. Violent urging to urinate every few minutes, but no more than a spoonful is passed, and at the end of this scanty urination the unbearable burning cutting pains in the urethra arise.
Violent urging without any evacuation.
Frequent painful urination, constantly preceded by violent pain in the glans penis.
Urine is only discharged drop by drop; it scalds and burns. Constant painful urging with dribbling discharge of scanty reddish urine, sometimes intermingled with blood.
Urine is passed in a thin and parted stream, which is difficult to discharge. Blood is passed with agonising burning cutting pain through the urethra and with violent tenesmus; bright red blood or clots of coagulated blood appear.
Urine albuminous; cloudy immediately on passing; containing mucus, pus, blood and casts.
Discharges from the urethra such as non-specific urethritis, white and watery, accompanied by a constant desire to urinate. Other pathological states of the urinary tract where Cantharis might be indicated: Acute parenchymatous inflammation of the kidneys; cystitis after scarlatina; post-scarlatinal nephritis; ulceration of the bladder and urinary passages; painful retention of urine from suppressed gonorrhoea; spasmodic stricture of the urethra; inflammation of the orifice of the urethra.