Eructation of sour frothy mucus, tinged bright-red; sour belching after drinking.
Haemorrhages from the stomach, with the vomiting of blood.
Nausea and frequent vomiting, first of food, then of bilious mucus.
Vomiting of tenacious mucus in lumps.
Vomiting with violent retching and severe colic; in pregnancy.
Violent burning pain in the stomach; also stitching and griping pain. Extremely violent gastritis.
Tremendous sensation of fullness in the region of the stomach, accompanied by anxiety and restlessness.
Cantharis produces extremely violent inflammation of the gastro¬intestinal canal, especially in the lower intestines. Peritonitis, with burning, cutting pain, urinary tenesmus, and spasms of the bladder. Cantharis may be indicated in different gastric, hepatic, and abdominal complaints that are’ aggravated by coffee. The provings report a feeling of fullness in the chest, stomach and abdomen after coffee.
The abdominal pain is very violent and mostly cutting, burning, and lancinating. Frightful cutting pain from 5 p.m. until the next morning, compelling the patient to ‘roll around.’ Tremendous cutting pain in the hypogastrium, constantly moving to and fro, stopping only for a short time. Cutting pain during stool toward evening; or after each evacuation of stool. The whole intestinal tract feels very hot and burns.
Great distension and tenderness of the belly; tympanitic. The whole abdomen is excessively tender to touch and pressure.
Incarceration of flatus under the short ribs (flatus is very offensive). Audible rumbling while sitting. Colic-like pain, causing the patient to double over. Burning pain around the umbilicus and in the hypogastrium. Burning pain above the navel on coughing, sneezing, and blowing the nose, with a rather hot feeling in the hypogastrium; around the area of pain some yellow spots on skin, which ache on touch (more stitching than burning).