aversion to being touched on the throat. The convulsions may be very violent, with alternating emprosthotonus and opisthotonus; with convulsive tremors of all the limbs, with cold sweat on the forehead and chest. The patient cannot get a moment’s rest on account of immediate recurrences.
There are sudden attacks of unconsciousness, loss of strength, extreme weakness, prostration, great emaciation, fainting and collapse and general coldness.
An interesting modality that has been observed in a proving is that a progressive languor was relieved by drinking freely of alcoholic liquors, which produced no symptoms of intoxication.
The patient has great thirst, but often aversion to drink and a horror of liquids. This may be due to his mental state, but also to the throat feeling as if it were strangulated or to a burning pain in the throat upon swallowing, which is most marked on swallowing liquids.
The individual has an aggravation from drinking, especially cold drinks and from water, even if only seen or heard, from coffee (gastric, abdominal and hepatic complaints) and from urinating. Some mental symptoms are worse in the morning or afternoon; delirium mostly in the evening and at night.
Cantharis cured a hemiplegia of the right side, apparently without sensation in the affected side, where the speech was affected and very indistinct, hardly understandable.
Amelioration comes from lying down and rest (but some symptoms are better from physical exertion) and warmth.
Cantharis is also a valuable remedy for burns and scalds.
Giddiness and weak feeling in the head.
On walking in the open air, vertigo with quickly subsiding attacks of unconsciousness, with foggy vision, returning several times within half an hour.
Vertigo and fainting.